Never been to Spain.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

creepy, creeping, creepily

The security guard on duty last night was seriously creeping me out. I understand their job is to lurk, but everywhere I was, this guy was there. It was like he was expecting me to do something illegal.

Now maybe I have a guilty conscience, but I made it clear to him during our first encounter (right outside my home) that I live here, this is my bike and I am not the suspicious cyclist from earlier this evening. My housemates were right inside the window behind me, it was hardly suspicious to be heading to return a video at 8PM. Anyways at this point, he should have marked me as "friendly". He's not the regular guy, but he can figure out that I live there and he's not hired to watch people who live there.

Then I went to water the trees transplanted from my wrecked courtyard on the other side of the complex. There he was. He watched me water the trees. He followed me onto the sidewalk of the busy road in front of the complex were the trees were now and stood there, watching me work.

Then Chelsea knocked on my door to get me to sign something. I shut the front door to keep her cat (which follows her everywhere) outside and mine inside, since they were threatening to scrap. As we stood outside speaking, there he was at the bottom of my stairs, standing, watching us...watching...

I hurried back inside to avoid his prying eyes. I hope he's not there tonight.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

the 'regular guy' hangs at the picnic table in front of our windows making the dogs bark because we don't have courtyard walls yet. He is always there. He talks to people, the dogs bark. He gets up, the dogs bark...oh, and he smokes. At least I feel safe.
