Never been to Spain.

Tuesday, August 17, 2004


this morning, thunder- it never thunders where I live and is impressive when it does. now at ten to three, the sun is out again and i sit at my keyboard thinking about all the constructive things i could do if i just rushed around like crazy in the time left during my lunch break and did them.

i get so unmotivated in the office. i mean to use my 1 hour lunch, but once I am done my eating, I just feel like getting back to it. i prefer taking a late afternoon break, but scheduling does not permit. today i will.

sometimes i go to the seawall and read my book and watch girls jog by. seems more useful than trying to get shopping done. especially when i have a good book on the go. lately the olympics has absorbed much of my spare time.

Thursday, July 08, 2004

write more, dammit!!!

This blog was created to get me thinking about writing something, anything, every day and put it out there for someone to stumble across. Obviously, I've been pretty diligent at keeping that promise to myself. Anyways, this is my entry for the day.

Ice cream vs. better salary: I appreciate the morale-building aspects of free ice cream day at work, but wouldn't mind if there was no ice cream and the pay higher. My morale in this job at this point needs more than ice cream to rescue it. I was passed over for a promotion to team lead and at this point I am the only person who has been here for four years and hasn't seen a promotion of some sort. I've got five years of full-time experience in the industry, am known widely (and am not imagining this) as the most all-round technically knowledgable person in my department and they choose over me someone who comes to me for help with their work. But I guess having been an assistant manager at a fast food franchise means something to the VPs who end up making these decisions. Or, and I shudder at this thought, it was purely based on reasons of personality. I'd rather not think about that, as it depresses me.

Off for seconds of fudge ripple. Then work on my resume on company time.

Thursday, June 03, 2004

i like to view a Pile of Slush.


i have had a few friends get art, etc on Zed.

Zed-providing exposure to mainly Vancouver artists since at least two months ago.


Cardio fitness appears the fastest to gain and the fastest to lose. Being a non-runner for a few weeks has meant the difference btw running 5K with no soreness afterwards and running less than 5K (3 laps around Trout Lake -a 1.25 km distance) with legs of lead immmediately afterward and legs of soreness the nest day sitting at my desk writing this.

I think about the need for muscular exercise frequently- but have been more concerned about my heart and lungs and all the years I was a casual smoker. For years I got winded running up a steep escalator or long staircase. I am of the opinion that people can look fairly fit, but actual be in terrible shape inside.

My benchmarks are: running up stairs, running 5K and not getting winded during 30 min line drills in Hapkido class.

Friday, May 28, 2004

supersize me- food thought for the day

I saw Supersize Me last night and the creator/star really did hold nothing back. I was considerably digusted by the thought of McDonald's food when I left the theatre. Checked out the website and some guy is posting on the forum, about doing a 90-day McD's diet- and losing weight and cholesterol in the process! I'm more than a bit skeptical.

Fortunately, today's lunch was catered by the amazingly sweet and considerate wife of a coworker. She is an amazing cook, if a little unconcerned about fat content.

I went back to forage for seconds and when she noticed me picking the radishes off the veggie plate, she handed me a ziplock filled with radishes, because she remembered that "someone liked radishes" and she wanted to make sure they got their radishes. I mentioned I liked radishes about a year ago, the last time she catered one of our lunches and she remembered!

Food is a complex issue in humans- cravings, nurture, comfort, addiction, excess, expressing caring for one another - food plays a role in all these things. Oh and I almost forgot: profit margins, too.

Thursday, May 27, 2004

first post

The purpose to this blog is to get me writing again. And to paste my personal life all over the internet, only to be discovered a la Washingtonienne, whose lines of sexual bravado were deleted from this very site for being a little too politically sensitive.