Never been to Spain.

Thursday, September 08, 2005


I am at work right now (still at Radiant) and it is a slow day here. I have been thinking about writing/editing lately on the side. Leigh picks up extra cash by copyediting in Brussels. I figure I can specialize in high-tech/engineering/IT manual copyediting, as I have a familiarity with the language. There are some copyediting and grammar courses at SFU to help refresh my grammar and teach me writing styles other than CP style.

I spent last weekend at Leigh's parents visiting him. They are in the process of completing a home on Bowen Island on a waterfront lot. It's nice. It's a pretty regular home, sort of a modern rendition of an arts and crafts home, but the location is great and kindo of historic, as it was part of the Union Steamship Company's picnic grounds on a big resort which covered most of the lower part of Bowen. They look out on a little bay, with a weir/bridge across a lagoon which is a good 60-70 years old. Old by BC standards, anyways.

Lisa, Leigh and I launched a canoe right next to the house and paddled up-island. A few bays over, we found a spot where we could paddle out into the channel between the mainland and Bowen Island and drift back into shore almost to the rocky shore, then paddle back. We had a good supply of dark German beer tins and lime-flavoured tortilla chips. Except fothe odd ferry wake and overzealous speedboater, we had a relaxing time.

Discussing the merits of European cities versus Western Canadian cities, we imagined taking Paris, and dropping it just about where Vancouver is now. Having the culture and food of Europe, with the view of green mountains and islands we had in front of us with Paris just a ferry ride away. Does a place like that exist?

Anyways, it was a great lazy afternoon, drifting about as much as paddling

1 comment:

Victor S said...

Yeah, it was pretty great for me too. Just floating back and forth until we got too close to the shore.

I'm still looking for that Vancouver/Paris crossover...