Never been to Spain.

Thursday, September 15, 2005

You say FANNYPACK and I say Pants!

...let's call the whole thing off.

Apparently to British ears, the term "fannypack" sounds obscene. To my sensitive North American ears, "bumbag" sounds obsc...not right, anyways. My Quebecois coworker wears a black leather fannypack, if only he knew the awful truth.

The phrase i really, really want to steal from the Brits is "pants". Trousers are pants, so pants are something you wear beneath your pants-er, I mean, trousers. UNDERpants. I get it now. Some thing that is bad or ridiculous is pants.

I want to import that: "What? That is just PANTS! The most PANTS thing I ever heard! This place is the PANTS! Awwww, PANTS!

Let the PANTS begin!


Mr. Pants


Anonymous said...

Fannypacks/bumbags are both totally pants, no matter what. Some idiot in the higher echelons of the fashion world said, "Hey, let's see just how stupid these plebians really are: let's try to sell them on the concept of fannypacks again." Every day I am repeatedly horrified by sightings of Chanel, Dolce & Gabbana fannypacks on the streets, or rather, on the bums people downtown. No matter that they are more square & often clip onto a belt. THEY ARE STILL FANNYPACKS.


Victor S said...

Yeah! And what's with this whole business about wearing fannypacks around your neck? It just looks stoopid.